Fotoxx - Editor di Immagini 10.8
Fotoxx è un editor di immagini GTK+ per foto ritocchi veloci e creare panorami. Attraverso una semplice interfaccia possiamo interagire direttamente con l’immagine migliorandola come meglio vogliamo. Tra gli strumenti base, oltre ai soliti di “serie” come luminosità e contrasto, offre la possibilità di creare immagini HDR, immagini panoramiche, ridurre l’effetto Red Eye, ridurre l’intensità dei colori, eliminare il fastidioso effetto determinato dal rumore, correggere foto sottoesposte e tanto altro. In parole povere attraverso fotoxx abbiamo le basi per il foto ritocco.
Ecco le novità della nuova versione 10.8 tratte dal sito del produttore:
* A Portuguese translation was added.
* New function: mass resize images (for website photo upload, e-mail, etc.).
* The new Linux standard trash is used for trashed images. If this is not available, the old method is used (trash folder on desktop).
* Select Area: Draw + follow edge works better for jagged edges.
* Select Area: Select by color improved: easier to expand selection without leaving unselected “islands”, and better control of selection.
* Thumbnail gallery: added a “list view” option (without thumbnails).
* HDR/HDF/pano alignment/warp algorithm can handle larger image offsets.
* Live help via F1 key is now available for all functions.
* The dialog to view and edit EXIF data is updated for each image opened, so that a given EXIF keyword can be viewed, added, or changed quickly (especially good to view or add text comments for a series of images).
* Mass add tags: select target files from the image gallery window.
* Save-as with “new version” selected: look for all file versions (not only the version being edited) and use the highest + 1.
* Bugfix: convert RAW: popup report sometimes omitted a converted file.
* Bugfix: an image saved as tiff-8 was actually being saved as tiff-16.
* Bugfix: sporadic crash if a selected area touches an image edge.
* Bugfix: the color of all edit curves could change sporadically.
* Bugfix: image_gallery: if the first directory opened is empty and the “parent” button is selected, crash.
* Bugfix: HDR/HDF sporadically showed a partially black image.
Per installarlo su Ubuntu basta scaricare il file .deb dal link posto sotto cliccarci sopra e confermare