PlayOnLinux: guida al PPA... per tutte le distro!
Credo che molta gente conosca PlayOnLinux: è un front-end grafico scritto in Python che permette di usare molte potenzialità del software Wine (Wine Is Not an Emulator), programma che fornisce un ambiente di lavoro per le API Win32.
Le potenzialità sono notevoli: consente di eseguire installazioni manuali di giochi e software vario, permette di configurare completamente Wine a proprio piacere e offre un archivio vastissimo di script atti a facilitare l’installazione di giochi e software, così da non farci sentire la mancanza di Windows ;D
disperato dal fatto di dover scaricare ogni volta l’aggiornamento dal sito ufficiale, ho cercato di creare una release per PPA senza successo… ho però scoperto che il sito ufficiale ha creato un server per la distribuzione! ecco come fare per aggiungerlo alla nostra lista sorgenti 😉
Nell’utility Sorgenti Software andate nel menù Altro Software, cliccate su Aggiungi… e copiate la riga
deb [DISTRO] main
ad esempio
deb maverick main
deb etch main
–>Attenzione: provate subito a ricaricare le sorgenti; se vi desse un problema (file non settato bene, provate col commando da terminale
sudo wget[NOMEDISTRO].list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/playonlinux.list
Scusateancora ): <–
dopodichè, lasciando aperta l’utility, scaricate la chiave gpg del server
–> Download (click destro[Salva destinazione con nome])
e aggiungetela in Sorgenti Software nel menù Autenticazione cliccando su Importa chiave e scegliendo il file appena scaricato
infine chiudede l’utility e tramite Software Center o Synaptic installare PlayOnLinux 😉
ma non poteva mancare il comando da terminale! ecco a voi:
–> Cambiate [NOMEDISTRO] con la vostra release (hardy/intrepid/jaunty/etch/lenny/squeeze/karmic/lucid/maverick) <–
wget -q “” -O – | sudo apt-key add –
sudo wget[NOMEDISTRO].list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/playonlinux.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install playonlinux
ecco il changelog dalla versione 3.7.7 (l’ultima in maverick è questa)
-> 3.8.8
– ADD: POL_Winetricks
– UPDATE: Template for translation, no sync with launchpad.
-> 3.8.7
– UPDATE: Translation, sync with launchpad.
– UPDATE: Offline PlayOnLinux to 0.4
– FIX: bug #54. Change icon doesn’t work properly.
– FIX: bug #61. Launcher didn’t work on Ubuntu 10.04+.
– FIX: bug #85.
– FIX: bug #81.
– ADD: POL_Debug.
– ADD: GUI for help bug report creation.
– FIX: bug #88.
– UPDATE: Title variable defined automaticaly
-> 3.8.6
– SYNC: Translation from launchpad
– FIX: A bug in bash/polconfigurator
– REBUILD: Template language.
– FIX: Update translation of script responsibility
– UPDATE: Detour to 0.5.
– UPDATE: AdvancedWineConfiguration to 3.6.1
-> 3.8.5
– Change how the current version POL is send to the server.
– Fix bug #58. PlayOnLinux unable to start when an update is available.
-> 3.8.4
– Fix a bug in auto_shortcut, arguments was inverted.
– Send version of POL when fetching a script.
-> 3.8.3
– ADD: Plugin Detour
– UPDATE: Translation was updated, forgotten in 3.8.2.
-> 3.8.2
– FIX: PlayOnLinux bug: #17. An error message was displayed during manual installation
– FIX: know bug in pol-cmd, pol-cmd was unable to create .PlayOnLinux repository
– FIX: Translation problems. Launchpad bugs: #629421, #629422, #629423, #629425. PlayOnLinux bugs: #36
– FIX: PlayOnLinux bug: #26, function POL_LoadVar_ProgramFiles didn’t remove line char.
– UPDATE: Using convertVersionToInt to see if new version of POL is available, so the developement version does not say that a newer is available.
– UPDATE: Change all echo to $POL_SW_id by a cat / EOF. In other word write write all text message in one pass instead of line by line.
– UPDATE: Capture to 2.2.
– UPDATE: AdvancedWineConfiguration to 3.6.
– UPDATE/ADD: mainwindow show a message when: using a development version, no network, plugin offline pol used.
– ADD: Missing string in tranlation. String used by plugins.
– ADD: Set_WineWindowTitle. See POL bug: #23.
– ADD: New function for convert the string version to integer.
– ADD: playonlinux-cmd support search.
– ADD: playonlinux-cmd can list installed software.
– ADD: playonlinux-cmd can remove an already installed application.
– ADD: playonlinux-cmd now support all function POL_SW_* (guiv3) in shell mode.
– Full rebuild of translation template using xgettext. Python and Shell.
– Better use of the gettext function and string corrections for:
-> python/
-> python/
-> python/
-> python/
-> python/
-> python/
-> bash/LiveInstall
-> bash/autorun
-> bash/daemon/autorun
-> bash/uninstall
-> bash/expert/Executer
-> bash/expert/kill_wineserver
-> bash/install_wver
-> bash/killall
-> bash/polconfigurator (always used?)
-> bash/system_info
-> bash/check_maj
-> bash/check_maj_
-> lib/applications
-> lib/check_depend
-> lib/interface_v3
-> lib/main
-> lib/wine
-> lib/interface (+ cleaning)
-> playonlinux-cmd
-> playonlinux-pkg
-> Plugins: Capture
– Removing some unused files plus cleaning some files.
– Update copyright header.
-> 3.8.1
– UPDATE: Capture to 2.1.1.
– UPDATE: Translation update with launchpad on 2010-08-31 and 2010-09-02.
– UPDATE/FIX: function install_plugin rewrited to a more sure system.
– FIX: function POL_SW_auto_shortcut doesn’t work properly with icons.
– FIX: bug #31.
– FIX: bug #30. Adding a sleep 0.2 for some functions.
– NEW: include template for translation.
– NEW: add playonlinux-cmd for manage POL by command line.
– NEW: playonlinux-cmd now support –update
– NEW: playonlinux-cmd now support –start-install
-> 3.8
– Bug #22 POL_SetupWindow_Init checks if a windows is already opened. –force option can be used to force windows opening in that case
– Ukranian name is .uk, not .ua
– New variable : $POL_USER_ROOT ( = $REPERTOIRE )
– Defaults plugins : Offline PlayOnLinux, Advanced wine configuration, Transgaming Cedega, Wine Import, Wine Look, Capture
– New functions : POL_GetImages, POL_SetupWindow_InitWithImages
– PlayOnLinux detects if you are alreay on a PlayOnLinux terminal, and if yes, it refuses to run
– A bug corrected in sources loading
– Wine Import and Offline PlayOnLinux plugin corrected
– playonlinux-shell command added to run PlayOnLinux shell in your terminal !
– PlayOnLinux uses a git repository for the developement
– Some cleaning
– The program does not show acceleration 3D message error when mesa-utils is not installed
-> 3.7.7
– Bug #4 corrected (wine version manager does not start)
– Bug #14 corrected (conflict with gtkrgba module)
– Bug #27 fully corrected (a more natural sort)
– Added POL_SetupWindow_auto_shortcut which will replace POL_SetupWindow_make_shortcut
– Added POL_SetupError function
– is fully compatible with offline mode plugin
– Some bugs corrected in wine version management
buon divertimento!
p.s. scusatemi se la guida vi sembra brutta, ma in questi giorni gli unici momenti che trovo per scrivere sono questi (23.32 lol) grazie allo studio xD bye