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SoundKonverter Convertire i nostri File Audio 0.9.91 (1.0.0beta2)

SoundKonverter è un convertitore audio per l’ambiente grafico KDE facile da usare. Inoltre possiamo convertire un nostro Cd audio nei più comuni formati quali mp3, ogg ecc Supporta la lettura e la scrittura di tag per molti formati, così che i tag sono preservati quando i file vengono convertiti.

Ecco le principali caratteristiche dell’applicazione:

It is extendable by plugins and supports many backends:
En-/decoding: oggenc/oggdec, lame, gogo, faac/faad, mppenc/mppdec, flac, mac, mplayer, ffmpeg, shorten, ttaenc, bonk, ofr, ofs, wavpack, lac, lpac, speexenc/speexdec, timidity
Replay Gain: vorbisgain, mp3gain, aacgain, replaygain (MusePack), metaflac, wvgain
CD ripping: kio_audiocd, cdda2wav, cdparanoia
This way you can convert between various audio formats:
Decoding: ogg, mp3, mp2, m4a/mp4, aac, 3gp, mpc/mp+, flac, ape, wma, asf/asx, ra, rv, rm, avi, mpeg, wmv, qt/mov, flv, ac3, au/snd, shn, tta, bonk, ofr, ofs, wv, la, pac, spx, mid, mod/s3m/stm/ult/uni/xm/m15/mtm/669/it, voc, wav
Encoding: ogg, mp3, mp2, m4a, aac, mpc, flac, ape, ra, ac3, au, shn, tta, bonk, ofr, ofs, wv, la, pac, spx, wav

Ecco le novità della nuova versione 0.9.91 (1.0.0beta2) tratte dal sito del produttore:

-Add: flac and metaflac plugins
-Add: faac, neroaac and aacgain plugins
-Add: timidity plugin
-Add: Enclosing %x space holders in the output directory with “[]” will only activate the space holder if the tag is not empty
-Add: Czech translation (by Pavel Fric)
-Change: use input file name as output file name if output mode is set to “metadata” and the file name can’t be filled with either the track number or title
-Change: added message box to warn the user when trying to rip audio cds with kde < 4.4.0
-Change: don’t close soundkonverter when started invisible but the conversion was aborted by the user
-Change: don’t save file list after each succeeded conversion because it was slowing down the conversion when converting a lot of files
-Fix: File conflict handling
-Fix: Update file list if configuration changed
-Fix: Rip CDs by passing parameters to soundkonverter
-Fix: Replay Gain tool would only process one file/album
-Fix: Downloading files from remote locations
-Fix: Options editor wouldn’t save modified tags
-Fix: Hitting the button “edit tags” in the options editor wouldn’t work
-Fix: The options editor would cause a crash when files where removed from the file list
-Fix: Race condition when

Per installare l’applicazionen su Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid basta scaricare il pacchetto posti sotto e cliccarci sopra e confermare.


In alternativa possiamo installare l’applicazione tramite repository per farlo avviamo il terminale e scriviamo:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ferramroberto/extra && sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install soundkonverter

e avremo il nostro SoundKonverter  installato / aggiornato