Fotoxx è un editor di immagini GTK+ per foto ritocchi veloci e creare panorami. Attraverso una semplice interfaccia possiamo interagire direttamente con l’immagine migliorandola come meglio vogliamo. Tra gli strumenti base, oltre ai soliti di “serie” come luminosità e contrasto, offre la possibilità di creare immagini HDR, immagini panoramiche, ridurre l’effetto Red Eye, ridurre l’intensità dei colori, eliminare il fastidioso effetto determinato dal rumore, correggere foto sottoesposte e tanto altro. In parole povere attraverso fotoxx abbiamo le basi per il foto ritocco.
Ecco le novità della nuova versione 10.7 tratte dal sito del produttore:
The composite image functions were reworked to extend functionality and improve the user interface. There is more use of multiple threads to utilize multiple processor cores.
Panorama: Join up to four images (previously two). Drag small images to rearrange. Brightness and color balance can be changed for any image after the panorama is completed, and the others can be matched automatically and/or manually adjusted.
HDF (high depth of field): Up to 9 images can be joined (previously 2). After automatic alignment is complete, the images can be dragged and warped to tweak their alignments if needed. This can compensate for camera movement between photos and for image size differences caused by their different focal lengths.
HDR (high dynamic range) now warps the images if needed for more precise alignment. This compensates for camera movement or rotation betweem photos, causing non-linear distortions. A greater amount of shift or rotation between images can be handled more accurately.
Bugfix: After reporting an error, mass-rename proceeded anyway.
Mass-rename: The “-” separator between the base name and sequence number was removed. The user can supply whatever is wanted, or nothing.
The startup dependency check for ufraw was changed to ufraw-batch.
Per installarlo su Ubuntu basta scaricare il file .deb dal link posto sotto cliccarci sopra e confermare
download fotoxx-10.7-32.deb
download fotoxx-10.7-64.deb
download rpm / tar.gz